Here are some of the upcoming events for the Psychology/Sociology Club:
16 Oct (Thursday) MOVIE NIGHT 6pm in club room (Room 3)
Movie- Premonition--
Come join us for fun and movie, bring dinner if you like
Liberty House, a domestic violence shelter in Albany, has requested items like socks, underwear (infant to adult sizes), bras, undershirts, household items (plates, cups, silverware, etc). Collection containers will be available in the Psychology/Sociology building lobby starting 20 OCT. Please consider donating.
22 Oct (Wednesday) Psych/Soc club meeting 3pm
Guest speaker LIBERTY HOUSE -Mary Martinez
T-shirt voting -please have all submissions in by 3pm
30 Oct (Thursday) Psych/Soc club BAKE SALE 11am- 2pm by the cafeteria in the Marshall Student Center
Please donate items to sell and/or volunteer to work the sale for at least 30 min
Please sign up with Christi or she will leave a time list on Dr.Cotter's door.
14 Nov (Friday) Sleep Disorder Clinic (field trip)
Times to be announced
INTERNSHIPS are available for Spring Semester!!! See CASA or Liberty House for details or come to the upcoming guest speaker events to learn more.